There are many factors and variables that influence will be whether your blog post popular, namely - a truly special and memorable quoted. Get this blog post may, depending on a number of factors. Among them - the theme itself and recording and writing style, and overall quality of the text. But nothing compares with the title in attracting the attention of readers. In the end, this name will be read first and it depends on whether or not to read the entire text of the article. Therefore, the headline is the most important factor in attracting real readers to your blog.
Undoubtedly, the main task of any blogger is to cover the widest possible audiences. In this way, the blogger will be able to convey their thoughts and opinions to the maximum number of readers. To achieve this, the author, but their popularity is based on the search engines. Therefore, the post title should be written not only for people but also for search engines. Make the headline and interesting for people and for search engines - is difficult. However, before writing the title should be remembered that the title of the article is to perform two tasks:
Arouse interest and desire among readers read the full text.
Provide search services enough "reasons" for your blog high attendance.
How to learn how to write headlines that would satisfy the request, and the people and search engine spiders? Here are five tips you can follow to improve the quality of titles for blog material.
Step 1: Learn to write "correct" the headers on foreign examples
It may sound like advice for the novice, but do not neglect them, given the importance of high-quality titles for the "visibility" of your posts. To perform this simple step, just analyze their own actions and preferences.
Day after day almost all users access to Google for various queries. Ask themselves and the Google search engine the question of what you are looking for via search engines.
For this purpose, authorized by Google, check out the story of his search - it is available at this link Review the results of its previous requests, and learn how to look like the titles of articles that you read. In most cases, your readers certainly would choose the same link.
Also, you should re-read the famous course Copyblogger (, teaching writing attractive titles.
Step 2: Examine your audience
After analyzing their own search habits, try to analyze how you choose the article based on their title. After that, put yourself in your readers. What is important to them? Who they are, what they are looking for? It's amazing how often we can "bump" in the blogerstvo not even find the time to think about who will read our revelation.
Step 3. Use the keywords related to the topic of your post
One of the best tools that are useful when writing great headlines is a service Google related search, which allows to receive similar search queries. Investing a little time, you will be able to fill his post heading the most "tenacious" in terms of SEO keywords.
This process is quite simple: when specifying searches for keywords related to the topic of your blog (the post), Google will automatically suggest the terms and phrases that have already been used by other users. It is important to remember that these terms are offered on the basis of daily analysis of millions of search queries, therefore, are of a certain preference for the average user, who may not always be similar in taste to your reader. However, it is the most popular keywords related to the topic of your post.
At this point, you can refine / modify the keywords in the title, to add to it additional terms of the other popular requests. Allow Google to show how requests he would have preferred in the search, and then review your headline considering these proposals.
Step 4. Rewrite your title at least three times
This step is probably the most difficult. Most often, it turns out that spending all his energy and time to create a grand, it seems, post, we all forget the fact that the title also requires no less. However, remember this simple rule: if the post is designed to bring your ideas to readers, the title is to "deliver" your post in their hands. Therefore, lack of attention to the creation of the name can bring "to nothing" all the work on writing the article - the final desired result it reaches. Re-iteration is the key to success in writing a great title. And writing for each post three options header at least justified for three reasons:
It expands the horizons of the author. Specializing in a certain topic, the author starts to get used to the patterns and repeat the same clichés and stamps in their headers. But when he forced himself to write more than one title of the post, he will have to go beyond their habits.
Practice - the best way to achieve excellence and perfection. The more you write the headlines, the better with time they will get. Experience is never superfluous.
This process can be a source for new ideas. It is difficult to say how many "new posts" could be born thanks to this simple habit. By creating three alternatives for the title, you will regularly find new themes for their positions on the basis of previous publications.
Step 5. Perform A / B testing your headlines with Twitter or email-marketing
Every time you publish a new post, or share your ideas, you get to learn something new. The same applies to the new headings. Improve your skills in the writing of headlines, testing them. A / B testing of headers means that one part of your audience you offer one title, and the other - the second variant. Comparing the responses to each option header, you can see which of them was more interesting to your readers.
Publish few tweets that link to the same post with alternative titles. For example, you can use a few of your "reserve" the names that you wrote, following the advice №4. The trick in the spread of different headers is to use the service to create a short URL, such as, which allow to track conversions on a blog. At the end of each day, count the number of clicks, retweets and comments that are received each title. So you can determine which of the options header proved more effective than others.
This test can be carried out using a list of active email-addresses for marketing. Most e-mail services allow you to implement A / B testing headlines and other elements of the electronic messages. The habit to compare two versions of headers, not forgetting to document the results of their "competition" that will help you make a choice in favor of a more effective means of driving traffic present in the title.
In making headlines should remember that they are better than, inflammatory and attractive, the more traffic they can provide. Follow these simple steps to create "attractive" headlines, and you will see that your articles will get the audience they deserve.